Clearly, I can't keep up with this.
Named the Malverne-West Hempstead Herald Person of the Year.
Malverne Community Theatre's commissioned Centennial show is currently in planning stages and has officially been adopted as a sanctioned event. Performance is tentatively planned for late April, 2022.
MCT decided to make a short film for Halloween. It is called MIDNIGHT TALES and is an anthology of 4 short stories. It will be available on YouTube after a certain period of time has passed and will be linked here. Tickets can be purchased at until the final broadcast on November 1.
My next school show - MATILDA jr - opening January 7th.
Malverne Community Theatre was commissioned to create an original show to celebrate Malverne's Centennial, tentatively scheduled to premiere in April, 2022. Planning began this month.
Little Shop of Horrors, Malverne's first outdoor summer musical (graciously sponsored and supported by the Malverne school district), premiered on August 13th. Pics and overview here.
Conducted first middle school summer theatre camp in 2 years. The kids created a full production in 3 days while learning all the basics of theatrical production and performance. See the final performance of Brendan Kelso's adaptation of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde here.
Started working on a massive outdoor production of Little Shop of Horrors.
Featured in the district newsletter about the state of the arts this year. Read it on the press page.
Broadcast of Malverne High School's Les Miserables movie, which I directed. Here is our trailer.
Brought in actor Philip Hernandez to conduct a workshop with my Les Miserables actors. Hernandez played both Jean Valjean and Javert on Broadway, the only person to do so.
Broadcast of Howard T. Herber Middle School's musical movie, Guys & Dolls, which I directed.
Interviewed for a full episode of the ON AIR, OFF SET podcast with my collaborator Mike Pagano about our theatre creations. Hear the entire interview here.
I conceived and directed a "choose your own adventure"-type Halloween virtual experience with MCT based on The Monkey's Paw. Go here to experience it.
Check out Jekyll & Hyde for kids by Brendan Kelso. Myself and MCT did a reading and critique for him which - it seems - very much helped the final product. See the pic of the cover and our shout-out here.
In school news, I'm directing 2 musicals (middle school & high school) that will be staged both in-person and virtually, combining many elements of theatre (all of them), and some elements of film, to an audience that will watch on a screen. Not ideal, but I can make it work.
Completed a virtual production of a short play called "The Vanishing Texter" that I directed and edited. This will appear in OnStage Atlanta's (Georgia) "Things That Go Bump" virtual Halloween production. You can see it here.
Interviewed with my collaborator Mike for the On Air, Off Set podcast about our 10+ years of theatre project collaborations.
New Garage Theatre project - Third Eye & Middle Finger - a one-man show of monologues written by Mike Pagano and directed by me. See them here.
I was featured as a "Hometown Hero" for the virtual theatre work that I've done. No, I don't think I'm a hero, nor do I know why they chose that picture. Still, it's nice to be recognized. See it here.
Created an app for improv - "Theatre at Home", as well as an adaptation of the app for my students.
MCT'S "GUYTON'S GUIDE TO A TWISTED MIND" broadcast live on August 27th. This was a production of short plays and monologues by Daniel Guyton. It will be here for a limited time.
MCT's THE SHOW OF SOLIDARITY premiered on August 14th on YouTube. (Watch it here)
Participated in The Shakespeare Ensemble's virtual production "What You Will" on August 8th.
Announced that I will be directing a virtual performance of short plays and monologues by playwright Daniel Guyton.
Recorded the Show of Solidarity: Performing Against Injustice for MCT, an important virtual production that is a collection of voices against racism. Premieres on August 14th.
Interviewed by local paper regarding Phase 4 opening on local arts.
New interview for Garage Theatre uploaded.
- MAY:
New interviews for Garage Theatre were uploaded.
Started interviews for Garage Theatre.
Interviewed by local paper regarding my virtual theatre and social media endeavors during the quarantine.
Premiered "Theatre at Home" social media campaign with MCT.
Began our weekly series of radio plays for MCT.
PIPPIN opened on February 28th.
THE LION KING, JR. opened on January 10th.